30 Day Ab and Squat Challenge

30 Day Ab & Squat Challenge diary

The 30 Day Ab Challenge and 30 Day Squat Challenge keep popping up everywhere – so I thought why not make good use of all my free time? Rather than do one challenge at a time (like a normal person) I did both simultaneously. I downloaded a free app for each from the Apple app store and kept a little diary…
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the muscial souvenir programmes

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Tomorrow heralds the start of National Chocolate Week – but I couldn’t wait, and consumed a 110g bar of Dairy Milk tonight… Yes, I do feel ashamed – but not enough to hide it! Continue reading

Brighton things to do

My Brighton highlights

I speak to so many people who say they just love Brighton, a British seaside town with a great mix of people, places and things to do. So for the uninitiated, or those who love to reminisce, here’s my favourite (basically free) things to do from my visit just over a week ago… Continue reading

Blogging101 Truth

Blogging 101: One vial of veritaserum…

Who should I give it to? What questions should I ask? Should I try some Harry Potter style mischief, reveal the truth about one of the world’s problems or question my own little world?

I guess that depends on what ‘truth’ actually is, how honest we are with ourselves and how realistic our perception of life around us is.

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Blogging101 How to achieve your goals

Blogging101: How to achieve your goals

Inspired by images of vision boards on Carrots with Cookies and Kids, Pigs and Positive Posts, memories of a workshop I went to called ‘Goal! Practical Masterclass in Achieving Your Goals’ came flooding back.

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Blogging101 new paths

Blogging101: No regrets

Blogging101’s task of the day is to write a post for my dream reader, and if you’re reading this right now – that’s you!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

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Making Colour at the National Gallery

Colour in Art

I wish the National Gallery had done the ‘Making Colour’ exhibition, the first of its kind in the UK, a good few years ago when I was studying art and design. This excellent curation of the story of colour would have been so useful! In short, the exhibition was great and now it’s closed, so I wanted to share a few interesting things in each room… Continue reading